Sunday, April 5, 2009
KMDC dancers reading this:
Please Please treat dancing as a serious form of passion. Not just a place for you to lose weight, not just a place you can come as and when you like, not just a place for you to laugh and chit-chat with your friends. It's a place for you to DANCE, to really enjoy dancing, to give in all your best. SYF is just round the corner, no excuses for you guys to skip dance. Just because some of you are in chinese dance doesn't make you guys the losers. Losers are defined as stupid people who doesn't even want to work hard.
IF YOU GUYS EVEN WORK HARD IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU GUYS WILL BE GIVEN THE CHANCE. If not just face the music, what else can you do about it? Believe me, you guys haven't seen the worst of Mr Li yet, so quit complaining and start to work hard because i believe in this very cliche phrase: "you reap what you sow". Listen to Jastine, Belicia and Kaimi because they meant well. We
ALL meant well. Do it for KMDC, do it for Kranji alright? We're a team! GO MDC!
p.s in case you guys are wondering who is the one hiding behind the computer screen, it's me,